Macs sind ja soooooo teuer…

…oder nicht?
Dr. Rockit hat verglichen:

Laptop shootout:


  • 1 GB RAM
  • 80 GB HD
  • DVD Burner
  • 64 MB VGA card
  • 54MBit/s WLAN
  • Bluetooth (2.0 with Apple)

1.7 GHz

1.67 GHz

Apple Powerbook 15″: 2389 Euro Dell Latitude 800: 2343 Euro

So it is 46 Euros more for an Apple. Not bad for ‚Apple is far more expensive‘. Upgraded to 2GB RAM the Powerbook is 3089 and the Dell is 4094. All prices taken from the german online stores.

Gut, dass wir verglichen haben…

(via instant thinking)